Copyright Infringement

What is copyright infringement?

Copyright infringement is the use or production of copyrighted material without the permission of the copyright owner. Some examples of copyright infringement include:

  • Viewing/sharing copyrighted material such as music or movies through file sharing applications
  • Posting copyright material to forums

Information about Optimum's Copyright Infringement Policy is available here. Optimum Copyright Infringement Policy.

What is DMCA?

Digital Millennium Copyright Act (DMCA) was passed in 1998 by the U.S Congress to protect copyright owners during the digital age. Under DMCA, copyright owners may notify Optimum if they believe an Optimum customer has infringed on the copyright owner's material by using Optimum internet service to share the copyrighted material without permission or by hosting the material on Optimum's systems without permission.

Additional information about the DMCA, copyrights and content piracy is available at the U.S Copyright Office's website at

Why did I receive a notification?

Content owners routinely monitor networks to see if their copyrighted content (such as music, movies, and TV shows) is shared without their permission. If they detect an Optimum IP address sharing their content without their permission, they will inform Optimum. Optimum matches the IP address to a specific customer and sends a Copyright Infringement Alert to that customer advising of the possible infringement and warning of the consequences of receiving additional infringement notices.

What is the Optimum process?

Optimum sends email alerts to customers in connection with notices of alleged infringement received from content owners.

Content owners (such as artists, movie studios, and authors) and their representatives routinely monitor peer-to-peer (P2P) networks to see if their copyrighted content (such as music, movies, and TV shows) is shared without their permission. If they detect an Optimum IP address sharing their content without their permission, they will inform Optimum. Optimum matches the IP address to a specific customer and will send a Copyright Infringement alert to the customer assigned to that IP address. Optimum matches the IP address to a specific customer and sends a Copyright Infringement Alert to that customer advising them of the possible infringement and warning them of the consequences of receiving additional infringement notices. If notices of alleged infringement continues, the customer will be sent additional Copyright Infringement Alerts which can lead to the suspension or termination of internet service.

As the primary account holder, you are responsible for making sure your internet service is not engaging in copyright infringement. Alerts are designed to:

Make account holders aware that this may have happened using their Internet connection.

  • Educate account holders on how they can prevent it from happening again.
  • Provide information about the growing number of ways to access digital content legally.

Can I view the alleged copyright infringements?

Yes, you can log in to your account with your Optimum ID and password and select the My Profile tab on the top right. Once your are on the profile page you will be able to view a list of all copyrighted material linked to your IP address.

How does Optimum protect my privacy?

If you receive a Copyright Infringement Alert, it means that a content owner has identified the IP address assigned to your Optimum account as participating in possible copyright infringement(s) at a particular date and time. Content owners can identify IP addresses and the date and time of the possible infringement but do not know the identity of the person whom that IP address was assigned at that time. We will not disclose your personal information unless required by proper legal process.

Can my internet be impacted?

Yes, Optimum may temporarily interrupt or suspend your Internet access for a set period of time if we receive a notification of alleged infringement. Any services (music/TV/movie streaming, home security applications, etc.) or devices (home computers, laptops, tablets, mobile phones, etc.) that use the internet will not work properly during these periods of time. Your regular service charges apply during interruption or suspension.

Can my internet be disconnected?

Yes, if instances of alleged copyright infringement continue, this may eventually lead to full termination of your Optimum internet service.

What about my TV and Phone services?

If your internet is suspended or terminated your other Optimum services will continue to be available, however, any promotional pricing attached to these services will be removed.

What should I do now that I have received an infringement alert?

If you have been downloading or sharing content illegally, please stop doing so immediately.

  • Delete the content and/or software.
  • Make sure that everyone who uses your Internet connection knows that you received this alert and advise them to use only legal sources for music, television, movies, and other copyrighted works.
  • Change your WiFi password to help prevent unauthorized use of your Internet connection.
  • Download anti-virus software, like Internet Protection powered by McAfee to remove any malicious software that may be contributing to the copyright infringement activity.

My internet access has been interrupted, how can I get back online?

If your internet service has been interrupted you will be brought to a landing page when you attempt to open a browser.

You must click on the Acknowledge button to restore full access to the internet.

Please note that by doing this you are not acknowledging that you have downloaded or shared content improperly; only that you have received the Alert that Optimum has provided.

My internet access has been suspended, how can I get back online?

If your internet service has been interrupted you will be brought to a landing page when you attempt to open a browser.

The information on the page will indicate how long your internet service will be temporarily suspended for. Once the temporary suspension period is complete your internet service will automatically be restored.

It is recommended that you take steps to delete the content and/or software and refrain from any activity that will lead to further temporary suspension or termination of your internet service.