We've detected that you're using an older version of {{CommonHeaderCtrl.deprecatedBrowserName}}

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You need to change your Internet Explorer Compatibility View setting to get the most from the new Optimum.net

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You have signed in with a temporary password. Please create a new password in order to access this Web site.

{{message.value}} Your password cannot be longer than 32 characters. {{message.value}}


{{message.value}} {{message.value}}

Tips for creating a secure password:

  • Use a mixture of letters and numbers.

  • Mix upper and lowercase letters.

  • Include similar looking substitutions, such as the number zero for the letter 'O'.

  • Include phonetic replacements, such as "Live2Laf" for "Live to Laugh".

Avoid using:

  • An example listed as a good password.

  • A password that contains personal information (name, birth date, etc.).

  • Words or acronyms that can be found in a dictionary.

  • Keyboard patterns (QWERTY) or sequential numbers (1234).

  • All numbers, all uppercase letters, or all lowercase letters.

  • Repeating characters (aaa111).

Not allowed:

  • Sorry, no spaces or punctuation marks are permitted, including: ~ @ [ # $ % & *, etc.

  • Your password cannot contain your Optimum ID.

  • A password that you've used before.